Book Review: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

People We Meet on Vacation

by Emily Henry

Published Year: 2021 (by Penguin Random House)

Page count: 360 pages

Medium Used: Paperback

Genre : Contemporary Fiction, Romance, Young Adult, 2024-read.

Rating : 4/5 πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

This book has been on my TBR list ever since its release and I heard nothing but positive reviews. Finally, I picked this and dug my feet deep. Unlike a few of my last reads where I was willing the book to get quickly over, I mean it, when I say that I couldn’t get enough of this story. I just couldn’t put this one down. It is very addicting read – not in a heart racing or a pulse thumping sort of way because it ain’t a thriller or mystery story – but kept me on the edge nevertheless. I loved the characters - especially Alex. He is like a dream husband character – stable, steady, matured yet needy, handsome and quirky when needed – what’s there not to like,right!? And then there is Poppy – the rabble raiser, the funny and witty girl that wants to see places, have fun with no long term commitments – although doesn’t seem like an exact fit for what Alex wants and who he is. Still, these two best friends care too much for each other and can’t be without the other!

It’s not an unconventional story but the author managed to get us to care for the characters from very early on. We want to know what happened two years ago in their timeline that put a dent through their over a decade long friendship. Why they stopped texting each other or talking over phone. We want to see them come back together and make it work again. And then see what unravels when its not as loaded emotionally and mentally.

Two friends – Alex and Poppy – spend their summers reserved for trips to exotic and tourist locations while maintaining a purely platonic relationship. They met during orientation of their university, made some small talk and realizing that they have nothing in common, part ways. They both hail from Ohio and their paths cross again when they accidentally carpool home. Since then they reserve their summer time for each other for twelve years. During some summers, they backpack and visit places. Some others, they are nursing the other back to health from bouts of pneumonia or cramped back pain. Alex later confesses to always having loved her but afraid of spoiling their friendship, he keeps his feelings at a distance and they keep seeing other people. Poppy stays away because she thinks he is not interested in her. How do they eventually make up? How do we make the two poles come together? Is love such a glue to bring opposite personalities together and make them stick long term?

Although the title says people we meet on vacation, they have very little impact on the whole plot. The story is nothing new or novel but still very addictive – guess its the writing and placement of chapters and the characters themselves. It is okayish and yet very addictive. Hence, giving it a 4 pointer! Cheers!

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